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Holistic Sound Practitioner training


Personalized mentorship

This training program is the synthesis of 11 years of personal and professional experience by myself, Lauren Bartfai the founder of Sonic Expressions. Experience a personal mentorship that is tailored to where you are at and where you want to go.


This training is an adaptive approach to sound healing that is attuned to your direct intentions and skillset. You will have my full attention to support the unique sound practice you wish to cultivate.


We will spend 20 hours of one-on-one training together. There is additional reading and video recommendations for a total of over 40 hours of training material. By the end of this training you will be ready to expand or begin your holistic sound practice both online and in-person. 


“Music is one of the longest standing self prescribed therapies in history.”

-Erin Seibert

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In this training you will:

-Gain experiential knowledge in the field of Sound Healing/Work

-Know how to continuously expand your personal sound practice

-Be prepared to share sound healing/work practices with others

-Receive a Holistic Sound Practitioner Certificate


This training is designed for those who want:

-To dial in or start your own sound practice for well-being and conscious expansion

-To learn how to become a sound healer/worker providing therapeutic sonic experiences to others

-To learn about music and sound as gateways into deeper levels of awareness, wellness and personal/collective potential

-To explore and deepen knowledge of the innovative field of sound healing/work

-An understanding of sound tools and how to start a sound practice

-To be able to blend meditation, mindfulness and movement into your sound practice

-To add sound healing/work to yoga or wellness offerings

-A deeper dive into how sound can increase our human potential


No musical experience or knowledge is necessary. We focus on your voice, innate instruments and sound practices that are accessible to everyone and every skill level.


You will gain experiential knowledge in: 

-How to cultivate your own sound practice/rituals

-Basics of the physics of sound

-Foundational understanding of sound healing/work 

-Scientific and spiritual approaches to sound healing/work

-How to set up a thriving sound practice and start serving others (online and in-person)

-Exploring the power of the voice

-Movement-based practices 

-Experience design principles and process

-Music and sound meditation practices  

-Lauren’s unique approach to sonic mindfulness

-Basics of music theory and its application in sound healing/work

-Fundamentals of creating sacred space and sound offerings


What makes this program unique:

-Personalized learning starting where you are and ending where you want to be

-One-on-one interactive sessions

-Preparations for creating an online and in-person sound practice

-Access to a supportive network of sound healers/workers 

-High integrity sound practice information that is grounded in science 

-Deep understanding of sound’s positive impact on the mind-body and soul

-Experiential learning and application of sound tools

-Access to Lauren’s mentors and further training opportunities

-Adaptive sound practice strategies for a changing world

-Online and in-person training options

Your mentor, cheerleader & friend


Hello curious sound healer!

My name is Lauren and I have spent the last 11 years building a holistic sound practice helping many people increase their well-being, personal development and potential. My role as a sound practitioner is adaptive to the person, people or business I am working with. I have worked with schools, retirement homes, corporations, yoga studios, wellness centers, cancer centres, individuals, couples, groups and health organizations. 


Over the years I have worked with many mentors and am in a perpetual exploration of how sound can be in service to people and the planet. I am committed to sharing with you the best of what I have learnt and experienced to catalyze your development and ability to support others with sound healing. After many years of learning, experiencing and offering I have crafted this training to share the distillation of this knowledge, strategy and application of sound in service.  


Sound has such a powerful capacity to positively impact our biology, psychology and spirituality. Synthesizing and distilling the vast contradicting information on sound healing has been a journey for me and I hope to share the highest integrity information that I have found to save you time and resources. My approach is to balance personal practice with continued learning and offerings to others. 


I believe that when we prioritize our personal sound practices and create our own inner harmony then we are ready to share this resonance with others. This is why in this training we start with you and personalize the entire training to support your well-being before focusing on helping others. I think this is a critical first step in any therapeutic offering as it increases our capacity to hold the highest vibrational potential for our clients without being clouded by our inner dissonance. 


In this training you have my full attention and commitment to providing you with a solid foundation for you to build/expand your thriving sound practice from. The exchange for this training is $3333 taxes included. If you are looking for a dedicated mentor, are ready to dive deep into the beautiful world of sound healing/work and this training resonates with you then I am ready for us to get started! 


Let’s sing and dance this sound journey together!


“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.”

-Debasish Mridha


© 2024 by SonicExpressions

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